To all those who have posted comments calling me one of many colorful varieties of jerk, I offer this: What else is new?
The idea that we are all jerks is the entire basis of our government, as I read the Founders. If we were not all jerks in some way, we wouldn’t need the Constitution to protect ourselves from one another.
Spaceship Earth, some say, but I see it more as a boat, a lifeboat, hurtling through the cosmic ocean and crammed with jerks.
But just as the photos from space show our cities lit up at night, sometimes we can see a jerk who rises momentarily to give off a brilliant sparkle of light that guides us through the unknown.
So please, try to stick to the issues. We’re all in the same boat. All comments will be read, but personal ones will not get past the filter. It’s my blog and them’s the rules. And as much as I appreciate the many messages of encouragement and praise, I must delete them also.
I am happy to know that while I may be a jerk, at least I am in a boat. There is nothing better than being in a boat.
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